4DOM Description =========== 4DOM is a Python-based implementation of the W3C-recommended Document Object Model API. Specifically, 4DOM implements * DOM Level 2 Core Version 1.0 (13 November 2000 Recommendation), * DOM HTML Level 2 (13 November 2000 Working Draft), and * DOM Level 2 Traversal (13 November 2000 Recommendation) 4DOM should work on all platforms supported by Python. Installation ============ 4DOM is built and installed with PyXML's other libraries when you run setup.py. It cannot be installed separately. License/Copyright ================= For now, 4DOM retains its license and copyright that it had when developed by Fourthought, Inc. . See the LICENCE file in the PyXML distribution and/or the COPYRIGHT file in the xml/dom subdirectory for complete copyright and terms of license. Documentation ============= Python's generic DOM API, as shared by both 4DOM and minidom, is documented at http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-xml.dom.html The DOM APIs that are implemented in 4DOM are specified at http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/ http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-HTML/ http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ Compliance issues in the 4DOM core API are summarized at http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/topics/compliance.html Development =========== 4DOM is open-source and is maintained by the PyXML development community. Most of 4DOM's original development was undertaken by Fourthought, Inc., from 1998-2000. 4DOM was incorporated into PyXML starting with the PyXML 0.6.0 release in September 2000, and was distributed in both PyXML and 4Suite for a time. It ceased being distributed in 4Suite starting with the PyXML 0.6.4 release in February 2001, at which time maintenance was handed over entirely to the PyXML team. Most development since then has concentrated on bug fixes and compatibility issues. Contact and Support =================== Please direct comments and questions to the Python XML-SIG mailing list at xml-sig@python.org. For more information about the list and to subscribe or browse the archives, visit http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/xml-sig To search the archives, use a search engine and restrict matches to pages in the domain mail.python.org. For example, in Google, include the search term site:mail.python.org You may file bug reports in the PyXML bug tracker at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=6473&atid=106473