include ../buildtools/Makefile.incl include ../releasetools/ DISTRO = website # value of DISTRIB_DEPENDS is a space-separated list of any # targets for this distro's "distrib" target to depend on DISTRIB_DEPENDS = example # value of DISTRIB_EXCLUDES is a space-separated list of any file # or directory names (regular expressions OK) that should be # excluded from the zip file and tarball for the release DISTRIB_EXCLUDES = /tests$$ # value of DISTRIB_PACKAGES is a space-separated list of any # directory names that should be packaged as separate zip/tar # files for the release DISTRIB_PACKAGES = # to make sure that executable bit is retained after packaging, # you need to explicitly list any executable files here DISTRIB_EXECUTABLES = # list of pathname+URIs to test for catalog support URILIST = \ schema/dtd/website.dtd\ \ schema/dtd/website-full.dtd\ \ schema/dtd/website.dtd\ \ schema/dtd/website-full.dtd\ \ xsl/\ .PHONY : distrib clean example all: $(MAKE) -C schema all $(MAKE) -C extensions all $(MAKE) -C xsl all example: $(MAKE) -C example DOCBOOK_WEBSITE=$(WEBSITEROOT) clean: $(MAKE) -C extensions clean $(MAKE) -C schema clean $(MAKE) -C example clean $(MAKE) -C example MAKENONTAB=1 clean $(MAKE) -C xsl clean realclean: clean $(MAKE) -C extensions realclean $(MAKE) -C schema realclean $(MAKE) -C example realclean include ../releasetools/