# Example -*- makefile -*- for building a site using DocBook Website # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # The default value DOCBOOK_WEBSITE below is the canonical URI for # the current DocBook Website distribution. If you have SGML or # XML catalogs correctly set up for DocBook Website in your # environment, and have the DocBook Website distribution installed # locally on your system, the URI will automatically be resolved # to the appropriate local path on your system. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # IMPORTANT! # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SGML OR XML CATALOGS SET UP ON YOUR SYSTEM, # change the value of DOCBOOK_WEBSITE to the appropricate local # pathname for your system. OR, run "make" like this: # # make DOCBOOK_WEBSITE=/foo/bar/website # # Note that DOCBOOK_WEBSITE SHOULD NOT BE THE URI FOR YOUR SITE! # There is nowhere in this makefile where you need to specify that. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # DOCBOOK_WEBSITE=http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/website/current #DOCBOOK_WEBSITE=/usr/share/xml/docbook/custom/website/current # generate non-tabular output instead of tabular? 1=Yes 0=No MAKENONTAB=0 # use HTML Tidy to pretty-print HTML? 1=Yes 0=No USETIDY=0 # specifies how to call tidy TIDY=tidy # specifies options to feed to tidy TIDYOPTS=-iq -latin1 -mn # specifies command for calling your XSLT engine # (this default uses Saxon) XSLT=java \ -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl \ -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl \ -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=com.icl.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl \ com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet \ -x org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader \ -y org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader \ -r org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver # to use xsltproc as your XSLT engine, either uncomment the next # line or just run make like this: "make XSLT=xsltproc" #XSLT=xsltproc # XMLPARSER specifies command for calling your preferred XML # parser for validating the DocBook XML sources for your site ifeq ($(notdir $(XSLT)),xsltproc) XMLPARSER=xmllint --valid --noout else XMLPARSER=java \ -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl \ -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl \ org.apache.xml.resolver.apps.xread endif # the following is empty by default; put any custom DocBook # stylesheet params you want here; they will be applied globally # to all HTML transformations from your DocBook XML sources STYLEOPT= # name of directory to use if chunking output with "make chunk" DESTPATH=. # what prefix to use on non-tabular versions HTML files? NONTABPREFIX=n- TABSTYLE = $(DOCBOOK_WEBSITE)/xsl/tabular.xsl WEBSTYLE = $(DOCBOOK_WEBSITE)/xsl/website.xsl TABCHUNK = $(DOCBOOK_WEBSITE)/xsl/chunk-tabular.xsl WEBCHUNK = $(DOCBOOK_WEBSITE)/xsl/chunk-website.xsl AUTOLAYOUT = $(DOCBOOK_WEBSITE)/xsl/autolayout.xsl MAKEDEPENDS = $(DOCBOOK_WEBSITE)/xsl/makefile-dep.xsl MAKETARGETSDB = $(DOCBOOK_WEBSITE)/xsl/website-targets.xsl XMLDEPENDS = autolayout.xml website.database.xml .PHONY : clean all: $(MAKE) website $(MAKE) MAKENONTAB=1 website ifeq ($(MAKENONTAB),0) STYLESHEET=$(TABSTYLE) STYLECHUNK=$(TABCHUNK) NONTAB_OPT= -include depends.tabular else STYLESHEET=$(WEBSTYLE) STYLECHUNK=$(WEBCHUNK) ifeq ($(basename $(XSLT)),xsltproc) NONTAB_OPT= --stringparam filename-prefix $(NONTABPREFIX) else NONTAB_OPT= filename-prefix=$(NONTABPREFIX) endif -include depends.nontabular endif autolayout.xml: layout.xml $(XMLPARSER) $(filter-out $(XMLDEPENDS),$^) ifeq ($(basename $(XSLT)),xsltproc) $(XSLT) $(AUTOLAYOUT) $< > $@ else $(XSLT) $< $(AUTOLAYOUT) use.extensions=1 > $@ endif chunk: autolayout.xml ifeq ($(basename $(XSLT)),xsltproc) $(XSLT) --param output-root $(DESTPATH) $(STYLECHUNK) autolayout.xml else $(XSLT) autolayout.xml $(STYLECHUNK) use.extensions=1 output-root=$(DESTPATH) endif %.html: autolayout.xml website.database.xml $(XMLPARSER) $(filter-out $(XMLDEPENDS),$^) ifeq ($(basename $(XSLT)),xsltproc) $(XSLT) $(NONTAB_OPT) $(STYLEOPT) $(STYLESHEET) $(filter-out $(XMLDEPENDS),$^) > $@ else $(XSLT) $(filter-out $(XMLDEPENDS),$^) $(STYLESHEET) $(NONTAB_OPT) $(STYLEOPT) use.extensions=1 > $@ endif ifeq ($(USETIDY),1) -$(TIDY) -iq -latin1 -mn $@ endif # RDDL gets its own rule because we never want to call tidy on it ifeq ($(MAKENONTAB),0) rddl.html: autolayout.xml else $(NONTABPREFIX)rddl.html: autolayout.xml endif $(XMLPARSER) $(filter-out $(XMLDEPENDS),$^) ifeq ($(basename $(XSLT)),xsltproc) $(XSLT) $(NONTAB_OPT) $(STYLEOPT) $(STYLESHEET) $(filter-out $(XMLDEPENDS),$^) > $@ else $(XSLT) $(filter-out $(XMLDEPENDS),$^) $(STYLESHEET) $(NONTAB_OPT) $(STYLEOPT) use.extensions=1 > $@ endif depends.tabular depends.nontabular: autolayout.xml ifeq ($(basename $(XSLT)),xsltproc) $(XSLT) --stringparam depends-file $@ $(NONTAB_OPT) $(MAKEDEPENDS) $< > $@ else $(XSLT) $< $(MAKEDEPENDS) depends-file=$@ $(NONTAB_OPT) use.extensions=1 > $@ endif website.database.xml: autolayout.xml ifeq ($(basename $(XSLT)),xsltproc) $(XSLT) $(MAKETARGETSDB) $< > $@ else $(XSLT) $< $(MAKETARGETSDB) use.extensions=1 > $@ endif ifeq ($(MAKENONTAB),0) depends: autolayout.xml website.database.xml depends.tabular else depends: autolayout.xml website.database.xml depends.nontabular endif realclean: clean ifeq ($(MAKENONTAB),0) rm -f autolayout.xml depends.tabular website.database.xml else rm -f autolayout.xml depends.nontabular website.database.xml endif