Building with Make

The following instructions work with recent versions of GNU Make; you may have to tweak them a bit if you're using some other version of make.

  1. Create your webpages and your layout.xml file.

  2. Create a skeletal Makefile like this:

    # Change the path in output-root to put your HTML output elsewhere
    STYLEOPT= --stringparam output-root .
    .PHONY : clean
    	make website
    include depends.tabular
    autolayout.xml: layout.xml
    	$(PROC) --output $@ $(STYLEDIR)/autolayout.xsl $<
    	make depends
    %.html: autolayout.xml
    	$(PROC) --output $@  $(STYLEOPT)  $(STYLESHEET)  $(filter-out autolayout.xml,$^) 
    depends: autolayout.xml
    	$(PROC) --output depends.tabular $(STYLEOPT) $(STYLEDIR)/makefile-dep.xsl $<

    You'll have to change the PROC setting and the command-lines used to run the processor.

  3. Create an empty file called depends.tabular.

  4. Run make depends.

  5. Run make. That should build your website.